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About the Tojisha-Kenkyu Laboratory


The Tojisha-Kenkyu Lab. was established as a place to conduct various research related to tojisha-kenkyu. The Tojisha-Kenkyu Lab. has 3 main functions.

Practicing Tojisha-Kenkyu

1つめは当事者研究そのものの実践の場としての役割です。当事者研究は、2001年、精神障害をかかえた当事者の地域活動拠点である「浦河べてるの家」(北海道浦河町)で生まれたもので、仲間の力を借りながら、自分のことを自分自身がよりよく知るための研究をしていこうという実践です。現在ではいろいろな問題や障害を抱える当事者団体、自助グループなどにも広まっています(『つながりの作法』より NHK出版生活人新書,2010, pp.102-103)。
The first function is as a place for the actual practice of tojisha-kenkyu. Tojisha-kenkyu was first practiced in 2001 at Urakawa Bethel House (Urakawa Town, Hokkaido), a base of regional activities for individuals with mental illnesses. The practice calls for the research of one’s own difficulties with the help of others. Its use is currently spreading among organizations for those with various troubles and impairments and self-help groups (From “Tsunagari No Saho”, NHK Publishing, 2010, pp. 102-103).

当事者研究には、これまで自分でもわからなかった自分の苦しみや困りごとのパターンについて、客観的に観察するような視点を持てるようになることで、ラクになる面があります。また、一人で抱え込んでいた苦しみや困りごとを他者とわかちあうことによって、ラクになる面があります。 当事者研究Lab.の発足時には、発達障害を中心とした当事者研究会が同時にスタートする予定です。今後、子どもの当事者研究など、様々な当事者研究が行われる予定です。
Tojisha-kenkyu gives individuals the opportunity of acquiring the ability to objectively observe the previous unknown patterns of their own hardships and problems, giving them relief from those troubles. It also gives them relief by being able to share the hardships and problems they had been harboring alone with others. Starting with a tojisha-kenkyu group focusing on developmental disorders, the Tojisha-Kenkyu Laboratory plans to start a variety of groups, such as one for children, in the future.

Verifying Hypotheses from Tojisha-Kenkyu

The second one is as a place for the academic verification of tojisha-kenkyu. Working together with academic researchers from fields such as cognitive science and robotics, the laboratory analyzes and verifies personal experiences to ascertain whether the hypotheses individuals formed through tojisha-kenkyu are true and if they apply to most people.

Researching Tojisha-Kenkyu

The third is as a place to conduct research on tojisha-kenkyu. The Tojisha-Kenkyu Laboratory researches topics such as: the effectiveness of tojisha-kenkyu on different types of individuals; the various styles of practicing tojisha-kenkyu; the beginning and spread of tojisha-kenkyu; the existence of any problematic issues in tojisha-kenkyu.

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